Saturday, April 5, 2008.
Found a total so far of 133 grays in an area of approximately 500 square feet in Harrison, AR.
~Jim H.
Thursday, April 3, 2008.
Jim H.,
I will be down around Jasper in two weeks. Is it looking good?
No reports from Topeka yet, still early.
~Stacey E.
Sunday, March 30, 2008.
Found 14 more small grays in the same location as reported yesterday in Harrison, Arkansas (Boone County). Big yellow and blacks soon Larry, Denny and Don.
~Jim H.
Saturday, March 29, 2008.
Found 13 small greys in Harrison Arkansas today!! Man.. am I excited! Larry, Denny and Don are you ready?
~Jim H.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Found just over a pound and a half of blacks in the Sierras, near Yosemite,
May 17th. Elevation 5500-6500 feet, in a 2006 burn site. Last year (the spring
following the burn) we found 5 pounds in a half- acre or so-sized area, but
this year that same spot only yielded two dozen... looks like the burn magic
has worn off. ~Best, Brad Z
Friday, May 9, 2008
"Naturals" (a type of morel somewhat similar to "blacks"
in the midwest, but with thicker flesh and not quite as large) are fruiting
at around 4200' in the northern Sierras, mostly around Douglas firs (notice
fir cones in the photo) and sugar pines. There are still deep snow drifts
at 5,000'. I've encountered 3 bears near my morel patches this spring. ~Sam
Monday, April 7, 2008
Hi Sam, panning for gold as a consolation prize to finding morels! That's
beautiful! People outside the world of morels won't understand. But, the rest
of us "maniacs" do. Thanks for the report and the elevation listing.
It may help some others.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Nevada County
Folks have been finding morels in the Central Valley for a few weeks now, so yesterday (4/5) I headed out in search of our favorite fungi in the Sierra foothills. I had already looked in some disturbed areas, a burn site, and some old firs, found no morels, determined that it was too dry and possibly not warm enough yet, and was heading down to the river to pan some gold as a consolation prize. I was way down in a steep river canyon, on a north-facing slope at an elevation of around 1300', surrounded by canyon live oak and California bay (no pines or firs), when a Pacific tree frog hopped away from my foot and landed right next to a lovely, fresh, 3-inch-tall, bugless morel growing in a patch of moss. Close inspection of the area yielded ten more. ~
Sunday, February 24, 2008.
Hi Morel Mania! I am a native of Illinois and have grown up mushroom hunting
as a tradition with my is always so much fun, and I have so many
great memories!
I moved to San Diego in September of 2006 and haven't done any mushroom hunting
because, I have to admit, I didn't even know they grew here! However, I was
walking through a strip mall today and noticed morels growing in the mulch
around some palm trees (of all places)!! I couldn't believe it, so I searched
on the internet and found that they do grow out here and have been spotted
as early as January/ I'm not crazy!! I just wanted you to know
that they are here!!
Morel season has arrived!! Sincerely, Morgan P.
Thursday, May 15, 2008.
The South Platte River, not far from Denver:
Since the first foray on May 6th, it has been cold with rain and even snow.
The first day we can get off work and it is still raining. My wife, Laura
says lets put on the rain gear and go look. It's worth a try. Around noon,
it is raining and even spitting small hail. Later in the day we are rewarded
with partially clearing skies and find 56, much larger yellow and gray beauties
that are much larger than the first time around. The high temp today was about
fifty degrees with eighties forcast just days away. Another fruiting may occur
before higher temps end the morel season here. John B.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008.
Everything felt like it was the right time, the lilacs are putting forth flower
buds, a period of warm was followed by wet and cold, then very warm again,
the narrowleaf cottonwood leaves are as big as squirrel's
My son, Trent and my grandson, Talon hiked the three and a half miles to the
South Platte River morel patch. Trent, a seasoned morel hunter, thought we
were about a week and a half early but was willing to be proved wrong. We
found 35 gorgeous, fresh yellows that, with a few rainstorms, might lead to
plentiful fruitings in the weeks to come. ~John B
Monday, May 5, 2008.
Found just three light yellows in a little group at one of my favorite spots
along the Arkansas River on the 26th of April. It has been way too dry
in this part of Colorado this spring, and getting drier. It's almost
time to start looking for blacks just below the snowline in the higher country
- fingers crossed for luck! ~ Crispy
Thursday, April 3, 2008.
Tremendous weekend in Georgia.
~Chris Matherly
Monday, May 26, 2008
The rainy weather the past week has made perfect conditions for Morels. I
found these in a couple hours on the Snake river near Heise. Well, I had about
a half pound more, but I started cooking the soup before I remembered to take
a picture. ~DJ
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Found these in clinton county iowa 5/14/08.more to come.thanks morel mania,~Brian
Monday, May 12, 2008
Finally the snow has cleared and mushrooms are coming up. Found approx 50
good 3-4ers on west facing slopes near French Gulch in Coeur d
Alene. ~Michelle
Monday, May 12, 2008
I saw my first Morel of this year in southeast Idaho. It was only a 1"er.
Hope that it doesn't freeze tonight.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Just thought I send you a couple of pics from our venture out. We may have
been a bit late in the season but there were plenty for picking. Maybe next
year we will get out earlier for a bigger batch. Thanks for your e-mail, hope
you had a good season. ~Colleen
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The West Brooklyn Shroomin Club almost lost a member due to shock late this
afternoon when the 4 of us all went straight to the honey holes. I found a
monster yellow. Perfect condition measuring 8 1/8" tall with a circumference
of 8 3/8'. 16 1/2" total and absolutley symetrical. Got back to the house
and just weighed in with a haul of 9# in two hours. Lots of shrooms exceeding
their past due date.But an amazing crop of new yellows are emerging late.
Looking for a big mushroom contest to cash in on. Hear there is one in Peru,IL.
$250.00 would keep me in butter for a while. Good luck fellow shroomers and
may God bless your lives.At least keep you out of the sumac. ;) ~Tim in Lee
Monday, May 19, 2008
Been a strange year and got even stranger yesterday! After spending the last
4 weeks trying to parlay my mushroom hunting skills into some paydirt alas
up till yesterday only 12 mushrooms were found. Thats 4 guys lookin. The West
Brooklyn Shroomin Club.We had covered 100 acres thats usually good for 50+
lbs. by now. So yesterday we traveled 9 miles west to a nice 11 acre timber.
Very different soil there. Shaun and I walked for 5 min. and big healthy yellows
were surrounding practically every dead elm in sight. The kicker is,that was
nothing. He called me on the cell phone. He was about 200 yards away and speaking
in tongues. After 5 minutes of bird calls I found him looking kinda shell
shocked with dicernable drool. He mumbled to follow him and something about
needing a beer. So up a deer path and out of the woods to under some tall
pines in the sand. 300+ yellows in one eyeshot! Never in 35 years of shroomin
prepared me for that. Surrealistic and dreamlike covers it. Going back today
with all members present. My advice is keep lookin,change up yer game plan
and figure on a late and protracted season. ~Tim in LEE COUNTY ILLINOIS
Sunday, May 18, 2008
4th Friday in a row, this was our last hoo-rah! We found a dozen and one huge,
huge yellow. The biggest I've ever found! Found at the Farmdale Reservoir
in East Peoria. ~BJ
Friday, May 16, 2008
These were found in LaSalle County, Illinois ~Brad C
Friday, May 16, 2008
Back to the same spot in the Lake Bloomington area on Thursday afternoon ,
90- yellows mushrooms and a few grays. I was crawling on my hands and knees
in the thick stuff with mushrooms every were and in the leaves out come a
snake!! I kept picking and he went on his way. There was around 15-20 mushrooms
that I did not pick they were starting to fall apart or the caps was completely
off and just the stem was left. 6- trips and 196 mushrooms. ~Jeff B
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
1 - big dead elm treee produced 57- yellows mushrooms. This tree was dead
and no bark was coming off of it .I got caught in the thunderstorm that went
through McLean county last night around 6.30 pm .I was not in the timber 15
minutes when I found this tree and the hail, wind lighting and rain started
. I picked has fast as I could. My girlfriend called to warn be about the
storm and that was when I found this batch, she did the same thing Monday
afternoon to call and check on me and I found a good mess of mushrooms then.
She is my lucky charm!!! Lake Bloomington area , so far 5- trips and 106 mushrooms.
~Jeff B.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
My name is Jeff Jostand. I grew up in Illinois and now reside in Florida.
My Family and i recently travelled to Illinois for a book signing , to visit
family and TO GO Mushroom Hunting!!!! The family owns about 188 acres at a
Top Secret Location in The Quad City area. I am sending some pictures! We
were not able to arrive in time for your contest but We came back from our
hunting with 162 Excellently Grown by God Morels !! Here are some pictures.
Thanks and Happy Hunting! ~Jeff
Monday, May 12, 2008
What a treat to find morels still in Knox County the day after Mother's Day.
My husband Jim & myself tried one of our dependable spots Monday the 12th.
We found over 3 lbs!!! We had found almost as many on the 6th. So glad they
were there. Pretty weedy, but worth it. Still finding some greys too. Don't
quit hunting yet!!!! ~Lexie
Monday, May 12, 2008
Found 22 Gray's and a couple Yellow's in Kane co. ~Krusty
Monday, May 12, 2008
Pictures from the Illinois Morel Festival courtesy tom and
Monday, May 12, 2008
DaddyO here again from Rockford Illinois, found another bunch of beautiful
yellows on Saturday May 10th. Found them in grass along road near a group
of dead elms. Didn't find many under the trees, most out in the sun. They
were getting kind of dry and old, looked like they had been up since the last
frost cause a couple were frostbit on top,
Monday, May 12, 2008
I found about 60 greys in Jo Daviess County, IL in Galena! Hooray! They are
so late this year! ~Deborah
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Haven't made it to the championship yet but have followed it with interest.
Dad hunted his " 'shrooms" around Granville, Il. 75 yrs ago and
taught us to enjoy the hunt and the "feed". Mothers Day, at 94 yrs.
Mom still enjoys the mushrooms.
They seem to be a little late but last Thursday my Buddy suggested a walk
in the woods. It turned out to be more than a walk, especially when the only
thing we had to carry them with was our hats. Several trips to the truck later,
we finished up with a personal record for us both of 396 fungii, total. They
were small grays and a few small yellows, not much for size but certainly
good eating. We're in Winnebago County, Illinois and now we've had rain today
so I expect tomorrow we should be in the woods again. Or, is there such a
thing as to many mushrooms? ~Herb
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 11, 2008. Report from Putnam County, IL. Josh and Tom found
a total of 13 pounds of mostly grays on the upper half of the north facing
slopes near dead elm trees. Meanwhile, Tomi Jo and Vicky walked the creekbed
and brought home 5 pounds of yellows that were growing near cottonwood trees.
Kaden is in training. He already has his camo pants. We cooked morels four
different ways and everyone slept on a full tummy. Tom found the odd double.
It's raining and cool on Sunday morning. The season here should last at least
another week. ~Tom
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I went out on Saturday,May10th,in Whiteside County,and found 146, mostly grays.This
brings my total so far this year to 390.YES !!! Good Luck. ~Steven
Saturday, May 10, 2008
We have found over 20 lbs. of greys while on vacation from may 1st until yesterday.
have only found a few yellows so far but with the rain and cool temps a lttle
sun this next week our spot will be ripe. I will send digital photos at that
time. Getting ready to egg cracker crumb and freeze for later. ~Todd K and
George R.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Found 24 yellows, with the biggest being about 4 inches. Some have been up
a while, but they do seem to be running slightly behind of the calendar. ~Willie
Saturday, May 10, 2008
They shoulda had a Shroom Stick
From the Peoria Journal Star, Friday, May 9, 2008. Mother and son robbed while
mushroom hunting
PEORIA - A mother and son were robbed at gunpoint Wednesday as they hunted
for morel mushrooms in a wooded area near Kingspark Estates. Under the canopy
of trees, they were approached about 7 p.m. by two males, one who asked for
a cigarette. When the 29-year-old son told the man they didn't have any, the
man lunged at the son and his mother, 47, and struck them both on the head,
police reports stated. The man then pulled out a gun and hit the son on the
side of the face with it. The second man turned his attention towards the
mother. He used an unknown weapon to inflict a three-inch cut to her hand,
then stole her cigarette case, which held her cigarettes and driver's license.
After the robbery, the men fled through the woods toward Northcrest Drive,
which is part of Lexington Hills apartments, located off Nebraska Avenue.
Both the mother, who also suffered a wound to the back of her head, and son
were taken to Methodist Medical Center and released after treatment of their
injuries. ~Tom @
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Hello Mushroom hunters! Hit the Mother Lode this week in Putnam, Illinois.
Got 300 on Sunday and went back Thursday and got another 400 all on one hillside.
Note attached pictures. Mushrooms were smaller this year but I can't complain,
neither can about 10 of my friends I shared these with. I'm going back out
to get some more this weekend. ~Rick Fusinatto Spring Valley, Illinois
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Found 162 in about 2 hours. about 20 miles outside of princeton. ~Mike
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The wife and I have been consistently picking 50 70 per day in about
1-1 ½ hours per day since May 3rd. Whiteside and Bureau Counties. Hoping
to get a little more time in as we both feel we could have picked in one day
what we have thus far. I see a lot of little ones picked by the pictures everyone
sends in, leave them a few days and go back for them!! ~Bill
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Went out this morning, we found over 100 yellows. Very fresh! This was the
third Friday in a row that we went out. First time that we actually found
yellows~ Found at Farmdale Reservoir in East Peoria. ~BJ
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Thursday 5-8-08 found 4- grays went back 5-9 -08 on Friday and found 12- grays
and yellows and on Monday 5-12-08 I found 25 yellows. They are finally
coming up in Mclean County in the Lake Bloomington area. Mom really enjoyed
them on Mothers Day. ~Jeff B.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
As a new morel maniac, I'm happy to find even a few. A short lunch hour hunt
on 5/8 yielded some nice yellows here in Springfield, shown in the attached
picture with my daughter. This weeks rains will make for a successful hunting,
I hope! ~Nick
Thursday, May 8, 2008
From Springfield, IL. . . I snuck away on my lunch hour yesterday (5/7) to
a nearby timber to find eight big beautiful yellows. I considered calling
in sick to stay out longer! Rains today (5/8), so I'll be back out tomorrow
for sure! Thanks for a great site! This is my first year hunting, and I've
enjoyed the postings and tips. I'm hooked! ~Nick
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Went hunting in Whiteside County,IL on May 7th,and found 156 nice sized grays.Went
out again on May 9th,and found 88 more.No yellows yet.They had just popped,so
this late season is finally here.Good luck. ~Steven.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Found a lot but today was just freaky. My son and I were out driving (he's
about to get his license and needs the driving time) and I saw a fresh dead
elm next to the road. I told him to stop and let me look. As soon as I got
out of the car, I saw them. We picked 39, mostly big grays and a few yellows
mixed in. They were on a sunny grassy spot along the gravel road 15-20 feet
from the dead elm, spread in singles about every 3 feet. We picked enough
for a meal in about 15 minutes and then kept driving! Still haven't found
any big yellows yet, but it has been a great season so far! ~Eugene
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Finally finding grays in Whiteside county Illinois.Been about 2 weeks behind
schedule (well at least my schedule) Morels have their own.I have looked and
looked for hours and finally have found about 100 small grays.Luck to all
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Found just 8- yellows last night all about 4 inches tall in the lake Bloomington
area. Finally found a few. ~Jeff B.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Picked about 225 today in Knox County, IL, including our first couple big
yellows. Next few days should be prime if weather cooperates. ~Norm
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Finally have found about 60 small blondes or grays.They have been up for about
a week because they were a little dry.My season is running 2 weeks behind.Whiteside
county Illinois. ~Ron
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Here's a couple pics of our 41st annual mushroom fry. We held it on May 4th
and had about 60 to 70 guests who ate about 400 morels in 4 hours. I'm wearing
my mushroom hat, from Romania. The shrooms fried up great and tasted great
too!! Larry, in Fairview Heights, Il. ~Larry
Response from Bob W.
Can I ask you how you prepared that nice batch of schrooms
.. Did you
deep fry em or totally submerge them in a big ole pan of butter
Response from Larry
They were soaked in milk and simply shaken up in a bag, with some flour, then deep fried. I like them that way and it's a lot easier to prepare for a large group. We had about 65 to 70 people to feed at the mushroom fry.~Larry, in Fairview Heights.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Found 200 plus here in decatur tons of yellows popping now good luck ~Samantha
Monday, May 5, 2008
We went out not really thinking we would find much but found 27 2-3 inch yellows
and 19 5-6 inch very fresh yellows, they are so pretty! Grafton,il ~Linda
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Finally, finally, finally! We found 27 small grey/yellow morels in Ogle County,
IL on Sunday, May 4th. They were very hard to spot. We actually picked under
a huge dead elm, left the area, came back later, and found more mushrooms.
We plan to go back out Thursday and Saturday and we are confident we will
find the mother lode with the way the weather has been so far this week!
~ Becky, Jeani, Karli, and Clancy
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I went out this morning and found a mix of half morels and greys.... I was
trying to out pace the deer..Here are a few pictures ~James
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Just picked about 160, mixed gray and yellow in Knox County IL. The
largest yellow was about 3 inches. Nearly all were picked on low,
west facing hillsides. Several were just popping up from under leaves.
But thankfully, they are finally here. ~Norm
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Picked these 5-3-08 after the Championship. (LaSalle Co.) Only found 12 at
the championship but went to a honeyhole on the way home.141 Total greys and
a few yellows.Watch out, because "Lucy" the Morel watch dog might
bite you if you try to take these from her...... ~Mike
Saturday, May 3, 2008
We found 400 yesterday. Thanks ~Todd and George
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Found these in Fairview Heights, Il., on May 3rd. Still getting fresh ones. ~Larry
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Went out late afternoon and found a hotspot!! Just out for a couple of hours.
Woodford county, Illinois ~T.J
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My wife and I braved the cold temperatures for about an hour on Sat May 3rd in Peoria County, but we were rewarded with 128 mushrooms. We left quite a few that were just about to "pop". Looks like the season is about ready to go into full swing in Central Illinois! Hope everyone else is having the same luck. Attached are a few pictures. ~Brian & Beth
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Found 107 grey and a few yellow on Friday night but still nothing to write home about size wise. All of them were pretty small. Found them near Glasford. Im thinking about unloading a dump truck full of miracle grow in our spot. The temps have not been kind here in Central Il. I'm still confident the big yellows are just running fashionably late.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I just found your site. We take the family out to the same spot every year and find morels. The Farmdale Reservoir in East Peoria is our spot. It's a big place, it has produced just enough morels every year, until this year! Ouch! Hope to have better morel hunting soon in E.P. Love your website by the way, ~BJ
Friday, May 2, 2008
Although I hesitate to disclose the exact location of these morels I am so excited that at last we are finding them in our area. We are just south of Rockford, Illinois. I was able to find these greys today in between thunderstorms, one of which caught me off guard so I hid in a shelter until the storm passed. Then the sun came back out and I went back to find some more, 42 in all for the day. Let the insanity begin! Thanks for keeping us posted through this sightings page!
Friday, May 2, 2008
While on a hike on 5/5, my husband and I spotted 2 morels at the Franklin Creek State Park in Lee County, IL. We looked around for some more, but alas....
Like your website! ~
Elinor and Alfred
Friday, May 2, 2008
The mushroom season is getting better here in Greene Co. Ill. Myself and my Two nephews picked 275 mushrooms on May 1st, both yellows and grays. Most of them were just popping out of the ground! The next couple of days are going too be good! Thanks Midwest Monsters Outdoors!
P.S. If anyone has a good way too freeze them let me know! ~Terry
Friday, May 2, 2008
I have stomped woods in Vermillion,Piatt,Moultrie, Dewitt, and Macon counties averaging 5 hours each foray for the last 10 days straight with a few half-frees,small grays and 24 nice yellows to show for it. Tuesday, 29th, I was near Clinton Lake at a hot spot and had 5 in 2 hours at a good spot and was working my way back,discouraged, when BOOM!. I spotted several big yellows,6-10 per clump. I crouched and scanned the area and I have never seen so many big yellows in one spot. 2 hours later I had the biggest bag I've ever found(263) in a roughly 600 sq. ft. area. Also, I picked some real tender Dryad Saddle. Most web sites agree that,while edible, they are too tough. I found that if you pick the young tender ones that tear apart easily They are not only not too tough ,but taste just like fried chicken when fried in flour and oil. Also found what I think is a spiny puffball. It could be another type of puffball (Gem or Beautiful) but they are all edible. ~Dave
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Was out in the lake Bloomington are yesterday not a single mushroom, this spot produced last year so they got to show up real soon . Not a single person in the woods yesterday. Checked new areas that I did not cover last year, got way back in the thick stuff also. Thank god for crappie minnows. ~Jeff B
Thursday, May 1, 2008
May 1st, '08 Found these nice fresh yellows on North and West facing hills and in lowlands. Fairview Heights, Il. Rain tonight. Katie, bar the door !! ~Larry
Thursday, May 1, 2008
40 years ago I was called into the High School Dean ’s office because I got caught skipping school. He asked me where I was. I told him I couldn’t take it any more and just had to go mushroom hunting. I suspected he was a mushroomer too, because he just chuckled and let me off without any punishment. For years and years after that day, I have suffered at work while the hills and hollers called me to brave ticks and briars in a noble quest for the elusive Morel. This is my first mushroom season where I have been able to plunder the woods in the unrestrained freedom I had as a little shaver following my Grandfather into this great mystery that few can truly appreciate or understand. Neither school nor work will hinder me this year. I retired January 1st. Today I found 17 really nice mushrooms in McLean County. Keep the Retirement “Gold Watch”. I’ll take a walkin’ stick and a bag of mushrooms any day! Somehow, I think these “retirement” mushrooms will taste especially good! Rain coming tonight.......Guess I’ll go oil up the wheelbarrow. ~Dan
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My brother and I found 116 yellows and a few greys out near Industrial park in Springfield. Most of them were 4-5 inches. ~John
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Just got back from about a 3 hr hunt in Tazewell County – found one, one little yellow man o man I wish I was in Kansas right now! Morels, Morels were can my Morels be? Desperately seeking. ~David
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I knew as soon as I posted I wasn't finding any I would. Found a boatload yesterday here in Rockford ILLINOIS, under dead elm I never found any under in years past. I actually stepped on a couple, they are EVERYWHERE this year! Once I found the first one, I found them all over, almost every dead elm I looked at had some. However, most are still too small so I left them grow, will get my kids and go have a blast on Saturday. This is the first time I have ever found the blacks with the cone-shaped tops, usually I only find grays and yellows here. I'll send pics from this next hunt. Good Shroomin all! ~DaddyO
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I found this huge yellow morel in Southern Illinois yesterday, 4/30/08. ~Bart
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
First small gray's found near Chillicothe, il - Peoria county on 4/30. ~David
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Logan County, Il In the last two days myself and 2 others have found
597 mushrooms! On Monday we found 212, 205 of them were half-free morels.
On Wednesday we found 385, 30 of them were half-morels the rest were big beautiful
blonde morels!! ~Darlene
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Popin on the south side of chicago....... space condo colab....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
DaddyO here with a report from Winnebago county in Northern Illinois,
been checkin' my honey holes for 2 weeks now, not a single one morel. Ground
is wet from good regular rains, May apples are wide open, Trillium are flowering,
found other toadstools and fresh tree fungi, but no Morels yet. They come
up when they're ready, not when we want them to!
I'll post when I find em here. ~DaddyO
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Been out for 2 solid weeks near Glasford looking and hadn't found
a neighbor picked 218 very small greys around his tree in
his yard 2 days ago. My mom found 6 nice ones in her yard in downtown Pekin
and my wife and I have been in the woods in the mud up and down hills and
hollers and HAVEN'T FOUND A THING!! Til today. My daughter came in with the
neighbor girl and said they found mushrooms in OUR YARD!!! I was in disbelief
at first or thought they found some bad ones until they brought some in the
house for me to see.....smell and touch!! We found 37 near a drainage ditch
that brings water from the street into our yard. This area is no bigger than
the circumference of a small car. My wife conviced me we needed to hit our
honey hole in the woods that I searched unsuccessfully last night. We found
another 30 very small greys that weren't there yesterday. Although none of
the 67 were anything much larger than a cigarette lighter and most very small,
it is still nice to know they are growing other places than front yards!!
Hopefully they are just running late and the big yellows we all dream about
will come fast and furious when they do decide to POP! Temps in the 70's on
Thursday. Happy hunting to all in Tazewell and Peoria Co's.
~Erich Glasford Il.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Found 45 in south eastern Mercer County. All found on south slopes where the sun is staying on the ground most of the day. ~Todd K. and George R.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
We went out yesterday April 29th in rural Canton in Fulton County and found 88 mushrooms sized very small to small. Tasted wonderful! ~Teresa
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Found 54 half frees, 22 nice blacks 3-4 inches, and 12 yellows. Woods
is getting dense and hard to navigate. Grafton, Il ~Linda
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Hi! Finley found a few small grays Monday APRIL 29, in Bourbonnais.
IL. Very cold out. Good Luck!!! ~Stevo = STICKMAN =
Monday, April 28, 2008
Shroomit Here,
Found 24 on 4/28 and 35 on 4/30 in the Peoria area. ~Shroomit
Monday, April 28, 2008
Was hoping for more big yellows they are so pretty, but only found
8 and 87 half frees. They all taste great. ~Linda
Monday, April 28, 2008
Well, they're here! My husband and I found 122 mostly greys, a few
yellows, and a few blacks this weekend. We had a feast! I even have some to
dry. We'll be out hunting again this week! Happy hunting everyone! ~Samantha
Monday, April 28, 2008
I just went out to check a very large section of woods in LaSalle
county which yields many morels every year. I found not one morel today. Looks
like they are holding off around here. ~Matt
Monday, April 28, 2008
Found in ogle county, today, 57 grey/blk mix on slopes where dappled
sun shone through to help my aged eyes. the weather has been absolutely crazy
for us here. very warm, 70's 9 days ago...but nothing. subsequent hot spot
searches nothing.we are now unseasonably COLD, dipping to freezing tonight.
but don't worry...the will be here! all vegetation shows it's they're ready,
but day/night temps MUST have sumpin to do with it. our precip has been phenominal,so
I expect a banner year, and finally have a digital camera and will def take
pictures. good luck to all fellow-shroomers. happy hunting & be safe.
wear your repellants please.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Found this little grey in knox county Saturday. ~Cheri A
Monday, April 28, 2008
Picked 45 very small grays in Knox County, IL today (4/28). The largest
about 1 1/2 inches. Left about a dozen unpicked because they were so small.
I can honestly say, this is the first time in about 45 years of 'shrooming
that I've picked them while get pelted with hail. ~Norm
Monday, April 28, 2008
Report from Tom at Morel Mania: Big snowflakes in LaSalle-Peru this
morning! Cold temperatures today! Predictions of freezing temperatures tonight!
Can it get much worse? Yes, had our season started on time, this might have
ended it. Since the season started so late, it may not be so bad. Areas south
of the line between Springfield/Decatur are going to suffer the most. The
morels found in the next few days may be frostbit (tops will be black, shriveled,
and dry) cut that part off, the remainder of the mushroom should be okay.
But with warmer weather predicted for Wednesday and beyond, the season should
pick up where it left off by the weekend. And they may come all at once, so
be ready. Another situation is that the green foliage is going to grow rapidly
and the morels are going to be hiding under it. They will be difficult to
see from an standing position. Those of us that are blessed with the ability
to smell them, myself included, will have an easier time finding them.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Went out Sunday and found about 225 shrooms. Everything from spikes,
white sponge, greys and notice the 13 blacks. The blacks are fresh and starting
to come back up in Southern/Central Illinois. ~Ernest
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Found one small black and several small tans. All to small to pick.
Here they come. Paul in Plano. IL Spotted one and when I moved the leaf walla!!!
There were two of them. ~Paul
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Found 32 April 27th near Danville in Vermilion County. Hope things
get a little better, we will be going back in a couple of days. ~ Ron
Sunday, April 27, 2008
This year so far has been hunting, not picking. Thurs 1/2 pound,
Fri in IA none, Sat 1 pound and Sun 1/2 pound of small greys. Mostly in one
patch. Heavily hunted area, new spot for me there, but in my familiar spots
I found a few on Thurs and Sat. My new spot Sat and Sun. Very nice and fresh
in Central IL! ~John.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Spotted at least 5 greys about an inch tall just starting to pop,
high ground must be a little warmer up there
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Two of us found about 320 mix of grays and yellows. i found over
200 myself but i had to put on my waders and get out my float tube to get
to them. Happy hunting ~Ray
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Found some yellow morels today out by lake springfield!! First time
hunting. Only found 5 but hey its a start for a first time. ~John
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Finally found 3 Saturday April 26 small grey about 1 inch growing
on a railroad bed south of champaign ill was sure disapointed with the weather
the last few days but a buddie did manage a bag full yesterday Monday April
28th. Happy hunting and good luck ~Rich l.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Found 8 Half Morels on Saturday. This weather is no good for business!
~Joe P.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I was out Saturday morning and found ZERO mushrooms in the Lake Bloomington
area. One guy in the woods had 5- grays and one other guy and 2- grays all
small ones .We need some warm days, cool and rainy in the Towanda area today.
Plenty of moisture in the woods. ~Jeff B.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Found 10 very small on 4/22/08 in a traditionally early spot. Thursday
4/24/08 was better with a few small and a few a bit larger...all grays same
location. Saturday am 4/26/08 was cold but found 36 grays and a few yellows...two
additional spots and they are getting bigger. Have not found any black ones...would
love to try them. I have been measuring and photographing a few...not growing
much if at all from one day to the next. Have been watching one that is almost
popping out of the ground but tip is still down under dirt...will be interesting
to see today. My is going to be a good year! Happy Hunting
All! ~Pam B., Dunlap.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I FINALLY found 21 grey morels
in Fulton County. They were anywhere from 1"- 4". Can't hardly wait
to go back tomorrow! ~ Lisa
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Five grey were found in the colon area which is near the indiana
border about center of the state. lets hope the earthquake woke them up. happy
hunting ~Karen H
Saturday, April 26, 2008
We found three of these little guys today. I believe they are half-free
morels. If that is the case, the greys are next with the yellows to follow!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Found 210 in Dupo IL on 4-26 50/50 blacks and yellow biggest was
4 inches. ~Tim
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Found 112 Greys Today 26 April, 2008. All we need is Three Parts
Water, Three Parts Sunshine and Three Parts Prayer. See ya in the woods. ~Busch
& Denise
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Just wanted to add one thing I forgot to add in my last email. Why
do people pick the tiny ones? They are so small you can't even cut them in
half. Whay not leave them and go back a few days later or so, it makes a huge
difference! ~Mark
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Going this weekend for the first time. We have a honeyhole that in
the past has produced 800-1000 every year. Mostly yellows and good size too!
Brother just went checking the hole to see what is happening. He figures I'm
coming at the right time that they should be up and good size. Found 100 grays
in one other spot all in the same area last year and will be checking that
spot too. Will update on finds when I get back. ~Mark
Friday, April 25, 2008
I found 129 small grays around chillicothe area on the 24th and 25
of april. I went to the woods saturday and didnt find a thing except 3 false
morels so i got skunked. Seems to be running a bit late in the woods this
year. Sure hope they are up for this weekend for we know what that is----Tourney
time. Good luck to all. ~Jim T., See ya in the woods.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Found a nice patch of mushrooms after the thunder woke them last
nite near springfield il ,, They were not there yesterday but poped up overnite,
already fried them up. Man were they so good. ~Alan
Friday, April 25, 2008
YES! found 51 yellows ranging in size from 4inches to 1 inch, very
fresh, all 51 were close to each other in stickers, went in same woods to
our favorite spot for yellows only found one, so I hope this is the start
of our late yellow season. Also found 32 half frees they are getting mushy,
Grafton Il. ~Linda
Friday, April 25, 2008
After hunting after a week and finding nothing I found 28 grey morels
on a south facing hill around on barking elm tree!!!!! They range in size
from a 1/4 inch to 3 inches and are poppin fresh! After this storm tonight
with the sun out tomorrow I believe Sunday will be the day to come home with
the mother load!!!!!! Here in Chillicothe ~Joe
Friday, April 25, 2008
Went out this morning in Marshall County and picked up 40 small grays
biggest one about two and a half inches. All on top of a draw under Elm tree,
skunked everywhere else but that spot. Weather report looks bad for shrooms
for the next week or so, 30s Burrrrrrr!!!!!!! Good luck ~Gregory
Friday, April 25, 2008
We have found three pounds in pike county. ~Jane
Thursday, April 24, 2008
On April 24 I looked for over three hours in two areas around LaSalle,
IL that never fail and found nothing. Definitely a later season. Hopefully
it's not like a few years ago when hardly anyone found morels in their usual
quantities (see state tournament results for 2004). ~Dan N.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I feel the same way about the feeling that they should be up but
they are just starting here in Kankakee County. Found really small greys 4/24/2008
that are just way way to small to pic just left them. I was at the same spot
a week ago and they weren't up. We had some good rain to help because even
with the ground being moist after they push through the leafy ground cover
they dry up fast without rain. I will be going again this weekend to another
spot to see what is lurking. Good luck to all. ~Jeff
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The majority of the 103 gray morels found under one tree. The gray
morels are here. Now hoping for rain and BIG YELLOW ones. ~Tom in Illinois.
Oh Yeh found a turtle friend too.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Well, no luck at my favorite mushroom spot west of Springfield IL
please " BEWARE" lots of blood sucking ticks. ~Alan
Thursday, April 24, 2008
April 24, Henry/Magnolia report from Tom at Morel Mania. Have I lost
my touch? Can that happen? Conditions have been nearly perfect for the last
week. All the indicators tell me there has to be morels around somewhere.
Dandelions started blooming a week ago. I've seen ant hills in the yard for
about the same amount of time. Even the redbuds are blooming which is indicative
being several weeks into the season. But, alas, nothing. Nada. Nil. Zilch.
Zero. And today was the fourth trip to an area where I usually find the first
morels of the season. After about an hour of fruitless searching, I begin
to ponder the situation and wonder what's wrong. The soil has plenty of moisture.
In fact, I'm feeling rain drops as I wander. Temperatures have been nearly
ideal. I'm even considering putting on my bi-focals in case I've gotten a
touch of morel-blindness! I sit down on a stump to rest and continue pondering
this mysterious and miserable situation. Then, there it is! Peering out from
under a fallen branch of the elm nearby. A wee snipet of a gray morel. Not
much bigger than a half-inch tall and mostly hidden by a leaf. If I could
read its mind, I'm sure it would be thinking, "Ha Ha, had you worried,
didn't we?" It reminds me that I search on nature's terms, not mine.
Morels will arrive on their timetable, not mine. It reassures me that I'm
okay and all is well in that magical place, Moreldom.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
This is my first attempt at posting on the site. Went out in Greene
County Illinois. Found about 10 blacks, left about 4 smallers ones so I can
check up on them in a few days. I've always gotten the bigger yellows in years
past...I assume these little guys are ok to eat also? ~Scott
Response from Webmaster:
Never can have too many new shroomers. Unless of course the extra shroomers
find Tom's patches. You ever been swatted with a shroom stick?
Respone from Tom @
The mushrooms in the picture are Half-free morels and are perfectly safe to
Thursday, April 24, 2008
On April the 24th., I found here in Jasper County, near Newton, Illinois,
54 black Morels, they range in size from 1 1/2 in. to 3 in. in size. on April
20th., I found in Jasper County, near Newton, Illinois, some 4 small Grays
and 64 Black morels. I hear some reports, that there are a lot more morels
this Year then in the past! Good Hunting! ~Tom W.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Found 21 little greys on Wednesday, April 23rd in Canton, IL (central
Illinois in Fulton County). Just found your website so I thought I would post
my findings. It's been a long spring with no results until Wednesday. Hope
to find a lot more after this cold spell we are experiencing this week end.
~Moneta B
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wish I'd been there, but a friend found a couple pounds to the southeast
of Lake Springfield on Wednesday the 23rd. All gray, from not worth pickin
small to a few inches tall. I guess I'll be needin to get out now and put
my nose to the ground. I've got a good feeling about this season. Thanks!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hi Tom. I hope you're able to get into the woods more now that you're
not having to prep for the championship. Anyway, thought I'd write to let
you know I found my first morels of the season near Peoria on Wednesday, April
23, and they were miniscule. Their small stature didn't make them taste any
different, though. Things ought to really get going in the next few days.
Good luck to all! ~Matt
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
107 blacks and half frees, anxious for big yellows! Grafton,IL. ~Linda
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Went out this morning before flag football. I found 17 and my cousin
found 11 fresh greys. Little early yet but mid-week should be great!! Happy
Hunting. central macoupin county ~Mushroom Mike
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
FINALLY!! April 22, I found 39 mix of greys and small yellows. Then,
went again yesterday and found 54 in the morning and 23 more in the evening.
Sizes are tiny to about 2 1/2 inches. South facing hill by a river in Decatur/Champaign
area.. Good luck everyone! ~Chrissy
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Went out to an early black spot today and found 13 some only 1/4
inch and the biggest 11/4 of an inch..left them and will check back in a couple
of days. ~Rick in Tazewell co.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Went to a favorite spot in Knox County on April 21 ... nothing, nada,
zip, zero. So I went back over the "sightings" back through 1998,
and this is the latest that none had been reported in Central IL. The previous
"latest" was April 15 (in 2002). I sense a short season shaping
up. ~Norm
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tom, I suppose since you have not updated the sightings page since
Saturday that you are out in the woods harvesting shrooms with your backhoe
loader! Have you found any yet? Thanks, Jared
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Found 2 small greys April 22 in Madison county Il.Season is just
getting started.Good luck to all of you.~Les S.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I found these little guys on Sat 4-22-08 in the north west part of
Henry county Il There is about 12 of them in this spot so watch out they are
coming ! ~Deann
Monday, April 21, 2008
April 21, 50 blacks 2-3inches tall, all in one place. Went today
only 15 small ones but one grey. Grafton Il. ~Linda
Monday, April 21, 2008
I was talkin to friends near canton illinois, yesterday (21st) found
roughly 3 and 1/2 lbs. should be near peoria soon. ~Dustin
Monday, April 21, 2008
We found 8 pencil eraser size morels on 4/21/08 in Peoria County,
near Trivoli. Theyre here Central IllinoisJ ~Alice & Mike B.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Found 77 nice 2 inch greys in Greene county Illinois April 21st
on east facing hills all around dead elms, !!! The yellow ones will be out
the week of the 28th, getting rain 22nd and 23rd. !!! ~Larry H.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Centralia area. Showing she can count over 150. ~BD
Monday, April 21, 2008
Just got back from the woods here in Peoria area. Didnt find a thing
here. Looked and looked around the usual spots but came up empty handed.
May apples up around 3 inches, ants scuring around, bees are buzzing but still
no rooms up yet, Any luck with anyone else in Peoria, Tazewell, or Woodford
counties. ~Buck
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Taylorville, we found 170 white and light gray, over the weekend.
Small but made for a good breakfast treat. ~Lunt Morel Masters
Sunday, April 20, 2008
First batch of Morels found. The morels were just peaking out. Hope
to find more this week hope everyone else has had some good luck. Keep looking.
Love your site. ~Tom in southern Illinois.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Got 20 grays and 8 yellows today(the 20th) in Fairview Heights, St.
Clair Co. Il. Here's a few of them. They're pretty fresh. ~Larry
Sunday, April 20, 2008
April 20 found 20 small shrooms, no yellow or greys, first of season for us
about one week late. Grafton, Il ~Linda
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Found a couple of dozen small half-caps (or long-stems) yesterday (some up a few days, it appeared), as well as 3 larger grays. With warm weather, tan morels s/b up pretty quickly...RC ~Milan
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Hunted April 19th and 20th in Morgan County, IL - 4 small geys on the 19th and 12 small greys on the 20th. With 70 degree temps, should improve daily. Plenty of moisture already!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
4 of us covered a combined 12 miles of Jubilee, found nothing. Will hit it again on Wed or Thursday, possibly tonight. ~Willie
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Hi Tom, Mike H here. My son, Matt and his friend Nick found 12 very small muchrooms while turkey hunting this am. A second email is coming next on my findings. ~Mike
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I went near Springfield, IL and found one small gray on Saturday, April 19th.
Went to the same spots April 26th and found 99. The last nine I found were
black. The rest were about half yellow and half gray. ~Josh
Saturday, April 19, 2008
We found 168 today in timber around Taylorville Illinois. Size range from
very, very small to perhaps a few that were 3/4". ~ The Lunt Morel Masters
Friday, April 18, 2008
They say we had an earthquake here this morning,,,,,but I believe it was all
the mushrooms coming up ~Carol
Response from the webmaster:
Ok... that one made me laugh.
Friday, April 18, 2008
April 18, Central Illinois Report from Tom at Morel Mania: I took a ten minute walk into one of my early patches yesterday. Vicky pointed out the first dandelion bloom at home this morning, so I know it is time. The May Apples are still folded and, at best, two inches tall. The trillium petals are open and about three inches across maximum. However, no morels yet. But then I only looked for ten minutes (running late to the "night job"). Rain is predicted through Friday and possibly Saturday (one half inch total). We've had two nights in a row that the temperature was over 60 degrees at midnight. We've also had two days of 70 degree highs. I fully expect to find some little gray ones today or Saturday. Let us know of your successes. ~Tom
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Found this, first of the season, in Fairview Heights, St. Clair Co. on April
17th. HERE THEY COME!!! ~Larry
Wednesday, April 16, 2008.
Went scouting in the Quincy, IL area today, but found nothing. Vegetation
is still tiny, trees are still in budding stage. Found one teeny-weeny may
apple plant. Warmer weather will help. Still it was nice to be in the woods
for the first time this year! With all of the rain, it's going to be a fun
year. ~Gary
Saturday, April 12, 2008.
I found these today (4/12/08) in St.Clair County, Illinois. If I counted right
I have 73. It was cold with occasional rain but I just had to get out for
a couple of hours and it payed off. Good Luck to all! ~Mike
Friday, April 11, 2008.
Mike and Kelly found 30 morels 04/11/08 in Hardin County near the Lambtown area,They were the Black/Brown.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
We found 150 (about 3lbs) blacks on April 10th in Southern Illinois! Couldn't believe it, we've never seen blacks like that.... ~Matt and Kelly
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hey, they are getting bigger and more plentiful by the day! ~Randa C.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Nothing yet in central il yet. Looking better everyday. Cold snap this weekend will delay them for next weekend. Can't wait to taste em' again!! Happy hunting everyone. Mushroom Mike central IL.~Chris and Amanda
Monday, April 7, 2008
Have to agree with Heather, they are definitely up and growing in Carbondale. ~Randa C.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I went out today in souther/central Illinois and found 8 blacks today. Early one so get ready folks, Here they come! ~Carter
Sunday, April 6, 2008
We just went out this afternoon (Sunday, April 6th, 2008) near Little Grassy Lake near Makanda, Illinois and in two hours found 28 nice brown and gray morels !!!!!!! They are UP !!!!
Lots of luck...many more will be found this week...
Good hunting & eating....yummm...."The Toonies"
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Southern Illinois sighting, found 10. ~Susan
Thursday, April 3, 2008.
Central Illinois report from Tom at Morel Mania. I'm anticipating a good, if not great, morel crop here locally. Our ground is saturated with moisture. It seemed like we had snow or rain every three or four days this winter and early spring. The best part is that it melted slowly and soaked into the ground without a lot of run off. Our lowlands and river bottoms may be too wet, but elsewhere should be super. The first Sighting of the year ever reported in our area was on March 31, 1998, the year of EL Nino. Of course what happens in the next few weeks in regards to the weather is critical. The
weatherman is calling for high temperatures in the upper 50's and low 60's for the next week with possibly several days of rain. I fully expect reports from the Springfield, Decatur, and Champaign latitude late next week. As long as we keep getting rain and the temperature doesn't get too warm too fast, we'll have a good year.
In other news, we have turned over the management of The Illinois State Morel Mushroom Hunting Championship to Choice Productions in Henry, Illinois. They were a little late in getting started and the program will be mailed early next week. If you wish to recieve a copy, contact them at The web page for the event is
Additionally, Morel Mania will not be mailing a catalog this year, postage rates are just too high. But we will have it on the web site in pdf format so you can print a copy from your computer within the next few weeks.
Finally, for those of you that want to view some tremendous Georgia morels found this year, Check out Chris Matherly's newsletter for April at
Yes, the season has begun!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Found 38 yellows today! In LaSalle Co. Total Weight........3lbs ;-} ~Michael & Tracy
Tuesday, April 1, 2008.
Response to Heather
Please tell Heather "April 1st" that what she has are false morels and that
they should not be eaten. Thanks, Les from Pa.
Response from Tom at Morel Mania:
Thanks, Les and other who wrote. Actually, the smaller mushroom in the first
picture and the mushroom in the third picture appears to be a morchella
semilibera - half-free morel (it's difficult to tell from the picture), which
is a true edible morel. The other mushroom is definitely not a morel. Again,
it's difficult to tell from the picture, but I believe it's a member of the
gyromitra species. Remember, a true morel is recognized by three factors:
it has a
sponge cap with true pits and ridges, it's entirely hollow (stem and cap),
and the cap and stem are joined at the base of the cap - except for the half-free
morel. None of the false morels combine all three characteristics. The gyromitras
are commonly known as: red ear, elephant ear, lorchels, beefsteak, brain,
and false morel. I realize that there are people who consume the gyromitras
and have done so all their life without ill effects - so far. They are even
sold in grocery stores in Europe.
But, according to Michael Kuo' page on mushroom toxicity <>
, concerning gyromitrin, the toxin in gyromitras, "The effects range
from none, to vomiting and diarrhea, to kidney and liver failure, to (very
rarely) death."
~Tom Nauman
Morel Mania, Inc.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Found 12 grays in Taylorville, Illinois. APRIL FOOLS! I apologize for the bad joke. I think I just need to get in the timber. In just over two weeks the grays will be calling and the big yellow will be right behind them. Gerry, The Morel Master and I will be ready. It looks like a good year. Plenty of moisture just needs to warm up which it will. ~Roger
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Found April 1st in Central Illinois. ~Ron
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Anna Belmer loved her shroom stick!!! We went out after work on March 27th and found 8 small yellow morels in Osage County and then we went out last night 4-3-08 and found 14 small yellow morels and 1 huge Red Morel (which we kept but to show other people not takin my chances eating that thing) all were found in Pawnee County. Gonna be good pickin this weekend I am thinkin....good luck all!! ~Amber
Saturday, March 22, 2008
O.K. California and Oregon... you are driving us crazy here in the midwest. Just popped on here to see who was as excited as me for the upcoming season and was surprised to see you finding them already. My family and I found enough to eat some thru the winter but fixed our last batch last month so it can't get here soon enough. Hopefully we will be in the woods in the coming months. I think I speak for all the Illinois shroomers when I say congrats but wish it was me with a bag full! ~E.T.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I had a dream I found some fresh yellows in Greene County does that count as a siting? ~Larry
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Found in Indiana on May 13th. What an exciting find!!!there were
9 in the find, largest was 12 inches and smallest was 8 inches! My 6 yr old
and 2 yr old were so anxious to pick them!!! You can imagine the excitement
when we found this one! My 6 yr old said "oh my gosh" and my 2 yr
old said "mushroom, pick it, pick it". It was a lot of fun ~Christine
Monday, May 12, 2008
Found 92 sat southern iowa yellers 4-7 inchers. ~Mark
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
We are in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We found these "shrooms"
on May 7, 2008. My little boy was elated to be a part of the hunt. He found
several and was very proud. We have found about thirty more since this picture
was taken. I dont know if you post these, or not. Feel free to. I wish
you much luck hunting. Thanks for a very informative, and interesting website.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Any good state land to find some in northern in or southern michigan
Response from Tom@ Morelmania
Yes. Some people think that Michigan has more morels than other states. I
think that since Michigan has an abundance of public land that more people
go there to find morels - and they do! Go to your Gander Mountain store and
buy a Gazetteer. The cost is $15 -$20. It will show you all the state and
federal public land. If you go as far north as Boyne City in Charlevoix County,
stop at the Chamber of Commerce office. For $2 you can have a map of the county
showing the public land.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I live in central in n of indy and wanting 2 venture northern indiana southern michigan monday or tuesday any hints greatly appreciated.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The shrooms are poppin went out today for 2 hours found mushrooms the whole time 4in. to 7 in. going back out tomorrow the rain Friday night really brought them out ...HAPPY HUNTING I'TS ON
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Yellows poppin in hamilton co. Indiana. ~Mark
Thursday, May 1, 2008
North Central Indiana, north of Indianapolis. Three small grey’s no bigger around than my pinkie finger and half the length. Found under May Apples near Elm’s. Only out for a couple of hours, still need more rain and some nice warm days to get that greenhouse effect going on for them to get nice and big! Sure wish I could find a good black patch again, haven’t found those jewels in quite a few years. ~Debbie
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Found 78 blacks today. Between Tracy & I we found over 150. I live in northwest Indiana. Michigan City to be exact. We found them all in a small wooded area in town. The spots I hunt in the country haven't had any as of yet. It seems that the spots closer to Lake Michigan have shrooms earlier for some reason. ~Tab
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sun.4/27 and Mon. 4/28 produced 305 greys 4-5 inches tall which were
found on the SE side of Indy just north of I mean Beech Grove.
I need a babysitter so I can go out again! ~Stephen
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Went out today for 45 min. found 8 gray's and 17 yellows just popped
soooo fresh
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Found 42 today in centrail indiana.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Here are 29 mushrooms found by Greg and Harold Ratliff in Newport,
Indiana on 4-24-08. ~Liz
Thursday, April 24, 2008
All you Hoosiers out there, don't forget the Mushroom Festival at
Mansfield is this weekend April 26 & 27. I'll be in my regular spot on
the porch of the Red Barn (other side of the doorway from the auction). Stop
and visit awhile.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Found 20 grays 4-23-08 all found around ash tree's starting to dry
up, we need some rain please.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Here in Indianapolis(NW side of town),on Tue. 4/22/8, I found 37
very small morels just poking thier heads up through the leaves and on Wed.
4/24/8, I found 69 blacks and greys in the same area surrounding an old dead
apple tree. I have two words for all you Hoosier Shroomers.......IT'S ON!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Found these April 20, 2008 in NW Indiana, Starke Co., near North
Judson. They are from the same spot as the photo I sent April 18.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My husband and I found 20 small grays in northwest ,Indiana not 10
min from lake Michigan ! We think it is going to be a good year! ~John and
Friday, April 18, 2008
Found this April 18, 2008 in NW Indiana, Starke Co. Also found one other
very tiny one and 2 false morels. All were found within 10 ft. of one
another almost at the bottom of the southeast side of a hill. At the bottom
of the hill 20 yards on the terrain changes to a swamp type area. Tons
of dead, rotting logs everywhere. It is still early this far north (only
45 miles from Lake Michigan), hopefully they will start popping up everywhere
now. Looks like the NW Indiana season has begun! Happy hunting!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Found three on April 3rd and 22 on April 5th in Indiana. Of course they all fit in my shirt pocket but what a delicacy!!! I would tell you where but then I'd have to kill ya'... ~Suz
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I found three 2 - 4 inch in diameter false morels (Gyromitra esculenta) on the 2nd of april. Can't say where it just would not be right. I will say in Indiana. I am more than ready for the big auction in Mansfield see you there. My two boys are looking forward to buying a Shroom-sac. I told them they can be purchased on-line but they want to buy them directly from "Tom".
Happy Hunting,
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Found this in northern Indiana. Must be global warming or something.... :)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My twin 6 year old sons brady and bailey,and 3 year sister brenna
and dad found these in clinton county iowa.saturday may10th
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Went to bloomfield iowa for the weekend only found 92 yellers still
early the locals say so im already planning longer trip next
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Warren County, IA - Everyday last week I found about the same amount
of mushrooms (1/4 of Hy-Vee bag), the same amount I was finding the week before
that. Started finding yellows last Wednesday, we got rain on Thursday and
I thought I'd be picking all day yesterday. That wasn't the case. The majority
of them are grays. It acts like it is early in our season; but I don't think
we have ever picked mushrooms after May 14th. Has anyone picked them in late
May in Iowa?
Response to Tom: I am an avid believer in using a mesh bag; and use them when
I hunt mushrooms. I just wanted to relate the amount of mushrooms to something
everyone new the size of. Sorry about that. If I understand you correctly,
that grays turn into yellows if left to grow. This would mean if we want to
hit the big yellow bumper crop; we need to leave the grays alone? ~Debbie
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I found these Morels In Sioux City, Iowa / Woodbury County on May,
7th 2008. Most I found in the first 15 minutes of my 2 hr. hunt by one dying
elm tree. Going to find more mother loads, happy hunting! Sincerely, ~Brad
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Any new reports in northern iowa planning on roadtrip fri thx ~mark
in indy
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I got approximately 5 lbs of small grays and yellows in SW Iowa
(Council Bluffs area) this weekend! I think they appear to just be starting
myself! ~Sheryl
Monday, May 5, 2008
Found this yesterday just north of Council Bluffs there is 587 mushrooms
in these pictures. Looks like a great year!!! ~ Mike & Angie
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Found 35 greys 5-1 in scott county. ~Ken
Friday, May 2, 2008
this one on 5-2-08 in Benton County Iowa. Somehow this little guy grew
right into that hickory nut shell that a varment chewed a hole in.
Pretty cool if you ask me. The same day I found 102 small yellows grays.
LOOKS LIKE THEY FINALLY ARRIVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy huniting.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Warren County, IA (Middle of state) Filled a 1/4 of a Hy-Vee
bag with aprx. 1" - 2" greys on Tuesday April 29th. And the same amount
found on Thursday May 1st.
I have a question: If I am picking greys in a place I know that I will
find alot of yellows; am I possibly decreasing the amount of mushrooms I will
find when the season is fully here? I'm sure with the amount of leaf
cover that I stepped on small ones that hadn't came thru the leaves; what
will this do? ~Debbie
Response from Tom@Morelmania
If you step on small mushrooms, they will probably be smashed. They may still
be okay and continue to grow, but maybe not. Also, you're possibly hurting
future morels by using the HyVee bag since it is probably plastic. Switch
to a mesh bag for four reasons: The spores can escape back into the woods,
a good mesh bag won't tear as easily, mushrooms held in a airtight plastic
bag start to spoil quicker, and a mesh bag will allow bugs and debris to escape
also. A basket will work also but may be cumbersome in the woods.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hi my name is Kris Franklin and I live in the far NE corner of Allamkee
County Iowa. (The furthest NE point of Iowa.) Today I found 53 small greys!
It was about 65 degrees here today and definitely the first sighting! Lots
of baby yellows so tiny you can barely see them! Found the greys by dead elms
with mossy and sandy conditions. Can't wait to tell you about more soon!!
Happy hunting everyone!! Will send pics soon also. ~Kris
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
As far north as south Des Moines area on thursday 4/24. Got 24 so
far, but they all fir in a sandwich baggie. ~Jeff
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
We have been finding small blacks in Council Bluffs, IA for a couple
of days now. This weekend we are going to head south to Peru, Nebraska they
are having thier first mushroom festival this weekend. Yeah, we finally got
one around here its about time!!!! ~Angie
Respone from Tom @
Thanks for reminding us of the April 26 & 27 festival sponsored by Canfields's
Sporting Goods in Omaha. Here's the link:
Monday, April 21, 2008
Found 27 small greys today in Keokuk Co. (What Cheer IOWA!) Awesome. ~Sherry
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Found these today in Council Bluffs, Ia. ~Mike E.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
One tiny grey in burlington iowa . Beside a fallen elm along a crick.
Cant wait for more. ~Preston
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The very small hard to find greys are being found in south central Iowa. Trees
are just starting to bud warming up good had 4-5 days of good overnight temps
high 40s and low 50s. We think our final ingrediant is now a nice rain shower
to get these little guys to swell up so we can find them. Thanks for all the
good info and sightings map very helpful. We will let you know when we get
our first mother load we usualy pick around a 100 to 120 pounds a year given
its a good one. ~ Thanks, Kevin central Iowa Mushroom capital of the world
Saturday, May 10, 2008
We brought in 14 Morels and left at least that many more dried ones
in the patches after work today. A walk-by award went out too. ... ~Kent
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
We brought home and fried 9 nice Morels tonight and left at least
20 dried up ones in the patches. ~Kent
Friday, May 2, 2008
I found these yesterday, May 2nd, 2008 on my ranch east of Leon,
Kansas. They were mostly found near Elms and their roots. ~Casey
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
We found about 30 more big morels here in Augusta. Kids just love
it! We fry them up in butter and then make a gravy. Yummy!!!! What a blast!
~Thanks, Wilena
Monday, April 28, 2008
25 Morels after work tonight... 1633 for 08 season and counting.
Plus we may have missed one days numbers .. ~Kent
Monday, April 28, 2008
Hubby was out, mowing the grass & look what he found! 24 morels
sprounting rought out of the lawn! LOL We are in Crawford Co, SE Kansas. There
are only 23 in the photo but he found another in the bag after I took the
pic :-) ~Chris
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Southeastern Kansas. 78 nice big yellows.... ~Kent
Sunday, April 27, 2008
We found around 60 morels today (in photo) near our home in Augusta.
These were giants!! Last weekend we went SE and found near 200 morels. Most
of those were small. Found one gray in that batch. So much fun and yummy!!!
Thanks, ~Wilena
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Southeastern KS, 188 nice Morels .... ~Kent
Saturday, April 21, 2008
Yesterday found 32 grays in a 15ft dia area. I think with this rain there
will be more to be had. Plus, I think its a little early yet. I havent seen
any of the yellows yet. But, I did see a couple of false (red) morels. ~Hopper
Friday, April 20, 2008
191 Morels in Southeastern Kansas. 1337 Morels for the 2008 Season and
still going.... ~Kent
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Southeastern Kanas, 83 today off one patch. Pic attached is after we gave
away 24.... ~Kent
Friday, April 18, 2008
Southeastern Kansas, 116 Morels today plus 1 yesterday. 1063
total so far this season and still going... ~Kent
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
April 16 after work Southeastern Kansas. We found 353 Morels in 90 minutes...
about 4 a minute between two of us.~Kent
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Southeastern Kansas; April 15, 2008 ... 36 nice yellow morels... k ~Kent
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hopper, We hit your land when NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Mushroom
Detection Command) scanned us on your honey holes. Suddenly, surrounded overhead
we were by blackhawk coppers while we made off with Morels from your land.
Which added to our total of 557 shrooms this year in SE Kansas on a bad year...
k ~Kent
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Another 90 Morels on April 12. These were found in clusters of 10 to
as many as 25. Happy Hunting! ~Hopper
Friday, April 11, 2008
April 11, 2008 SouthEastern Kansas. 248 greys with a few small yellows. SteppedOn, WalkedBy and RoadSpotters awards went out today. We have plenty of water a little bit of heat would help..... Kent
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Attached are pictures of 282 Morels found on the evening of April 10th in Southeastern Kansas. ~Hopper
Sunday, April 6, 2008
13 little grey's today ~Kent
Friday, April 4, 2008
SE Kansas. Starting the season with 30 small greys after work. MasterShroomer, WalkBy and SteppedOn awards went out too... ~K
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Ky has nice mushrooms this year. This fellow and his wife won the "most"
contest at the Mountain Mushroom Festival in Irvine last Saturday. He found
49.1 pounds, over 1600 mushrooms. ~Robin
This is the mushrooms we found today! Look at the 8 that weighs a pound! Can
you tell what kind of mushrooms the 2 different ones that I am holding in
front of me are in one of the pictures ? If you can would you e-mail me back
and let me know. ~Thanks Lowell
Picture was unavailable at time of posting, we'll post it as soon as we
get another in.
Response from Tom @
Nice morels! The ones in the picture appear to be Honey Mushrooms, Armillaria
mellea. But the honey mushroom is typically a mushroom that grows in Autumn.
So, I'm not sure.
Here's a reference:
Sunday, April 13, 2008
found 24 greys in casey co ky sunday in the sleet & rain. ~C
Friday, April 4, 2008
Found 5 greys in meade co,ky on april 4. ~Jeff
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Oxford County, ME. : Found only one small morel yesterday in by best patch.
The blackflies aren't forming clouds yet, so maybe a little early. ~Bruce
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
All at about 1/4 inch tall and it looks to be 2006 all over again or better.
Still about 2 weeks from picking but they are here in Kennebec Co. Can't wait
to check out my patch that produced 10 pounds in 06. ~Dave G.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Great site and thanks for all your time you put into this site.
I just want to sure my best one day in 34 years of mushroom hunting. On April
25, 2008 I found 585 mushroom in Maryland. ~Thanks Rodney
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Found 10 yellow morels near Bowie, Md.. Good luck hunting ~Paul
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Gloucester Massachusetts April 27 ~Richard
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
We picked over 250 pounds of large black morels at the Sleeper Lake burn sight,
north of Newberry. ~Dan from Ionia
Sunday, May 18, 2008
May 18 picked 160 whites, 3 to 5 inches. I'm starting to find a lot of dried
and fallen mushrooms. I believe they are almost done. I am planning a trip
to the U.P. I'm planning to hunt for mushrooms at the burn sight, north of
Newberry. I am wondering if you could give me any hints on what to look for
( types of trees,ect.). I have not hunted mushrooms in the U.P. before. Any
information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, ~Ionia and Dan
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Found this giant on 5/17/08 as i was out out on my first hunt for the great
morel in Richmond MI. ~Drano
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hi there, finally able to find some Morels. Found 7 in Branch county Michigan
where I work on Friday May 16. Saturday May 17 took the kids out hunting where
I thought they should be and ended up with 22. Still not finding alot, just
getting enough to taste them! Got some that are huge. Sending pics along from
Saturdays picking. ~Thanks alot, Scott S
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hello from Michigan, Got 60 plus in two sweet spots on the 15, of May...cooked
'em up tonight, going back tomorrow for more! ~Brian O
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The proof is in the pictures. 143 morels totaling 5lbs worth. Picked
on May 15, 2008. Also have picture's of pickings on May 19th and May20th.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
May 7 picked 93 grey and whites, 2 to 3 in.
May 8 picked 268 grey and whites, 2 to 4 in.
May 10 picked 183, 2 to 3 in. ( 4 lbs.)
May 12 picked 167, 2 to 5 in. ( over 4 lbs.)
The cool weather is keeping them small and fresh. ~Dan
Thursday, May 12, 2008
Seems like once every couple of years i find a tree that just blows
my mind and sunday the 11th was probably this years tree! Found a huge dead
elm on the west side of hillsdale county near Hemlock lake that faired me
about 10 it's self of fresh large yellows lots of clusters spawning
4 to 6 at a time! Hopfully by next year i'll figure out how to get you all
some pictures. Cause hands down at 30 lbs a year i' m the best southern Michigan
morel hunter there is! Even Mort Marine, Micheal will tell u that! ~A Thorp
Friday, May 9, 2008
Found eight large whites on 05-09-08 under a dead apple tree.Also
on 05-10-08 found ten greys under an ash tree in Capac Michigan.Rained yesterday
need some sunshine now. ~Greg & Michelle
Thursday, May 8, 2008
We found 147 giant blacks this morning in Barry Co. Michigan after
a nice rainy day yesterday. Happy hunting to all! Peace, ~John and Jill
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
We have totaled 193 from May 3rd to May 7th
they are there
under leaves (hiding) as usual. Metro Detroit ~Heather and Joe
All can be viewed at
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Just back from the Gaylord area, where we found 1 1/2 pounds of blacks.
hunting to all. Peace, ~John and jill
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Found more mushrooms in the last two days than I have in the last
two years. The weather is near perfect. Lots of rain and plenty of heat. If
your not hunting them hard, you'll miss the boat. I think it's going to be
a fast and furious season but possibly a short one. The Best Mushroom Hunter
in all Southern Michigan. Mort Marine P.S. Big Mushroom Hunt in Osseo Michigan
this Weekend! ~Michael
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Found quite a few in a small area in Attica, MI. Most of the ones
picked were starting to dry out a bit already. ~David
Monday, May 5, 2008
WOW, what an awsome couple of days found 96 nice grays under
2 good size dead elms saturday the 3rd and about 5lbs of very nice yellows
(3 inchers) under one BIG dead elm today alot of awsome clusters, even found
some small dried up rotting ones ! MAN I LOVE THS MUSHROOM HUNTING ! !
~The"BEST"Hillsdale Michigan mushroom man A Thorp
Monday, May 5, 2008
Found over 200 really fresh greys under one tree yesterday. We had plently of rain on Friday around Detroit metro area. The next few weeks should be great. Marty in MI.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
April 26 and 27, We found 1015 blacks, May 2 and 3, We found 650 blacks, Lake county, Michigan. They're 1 to 3 inches tall. All fresh. ~Dan from Ionia
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Every year we find morels during the last week of April (Metro Detroit area) …not a sign of even a pencil eraser size so far. My Aunt said that she found 21 blacks and grays in Livingston County on Sat. (think she’s lyin’). Let’s go Morel Gods…We need a motherload. ~Heather and Joe
Friday, May 2, 2008
Found the 1st for Metro Dertroit
37 grays
already fried
them up
soooo goooood. ~Joe and Heather
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My son who lives in DeWitt, found these 3 out his back door yesterday. We're headed up North today for a few days of hunting. Umbrellas and all!:-) ~Pam
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Five gray was found in colon,mi st joe co.on 04-26 they were found
just outside the house. Lets hope the quake woke them up and we have a great
season. hope everyone ends up happy shroomers! ~Karen H
Monday, April 28, 2008
The best mushroom hunter in all of southern Michigan found 5 small
blacks this weekend. A little warmer weather and they will be popping. ~Mort
Marine Hillsdale county
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I have been searcing in Michigan for Morel Mushrooms. We live in
Branch County and we actually found one. Well, our 11 year old boy did. I
am sending a couple pictures that we took of it after he picked it. It is
only about the size of a pencil eraser and we were wondering if you could
post. Morel was found today April 27 2008 Thank you ~Missi B. and Scott S.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Mid Michigan, they are here, seven days later then the last few years
but all the same are finally growin. two of my best spots are holdin hopefully
noone stumbles on my bounty while I let them grow. All greys, seen lots of
falseies too, have fun folks.~Robby
Friday, April 25, 2008
We found 36 blacks this morning in S.W. MI. Happy hunting to all.
~Peace, John and Jill
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Just found first ones of the year for me, 4 small blacks in Hillsdale county
Southern, Michigan It's on ! mushroom man ~A. Thorp
Friday, April 18, 2008
Believe it or not! I found first white morel today, on hill beside my drive
way. I found 4, 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches tall. Ionia Michigan. ~Dan
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Report from Tom at Morel Mania - Big News From Boyne City! The National Morel
Mushroom Festival has announced that "DA YOOPERS"
musical comedy show will be on hand for an appearance on Friday, May 16 at
8:00 p.m. Da Yoopers (they're from the UP - Upper Penninsula of Michigan)
are some of the zaniest entertainers you will ever see. I'll be there. ~Tom
Saturday, April 5, 2008
From Tom at Morel Mania: George from Traverse City has posted this report
on Youtube
George, you're a "Mushroom Huntin' Fool". (That's a compliment)!
Monday June 2, 2008
Found 25 large Morels this last Saturday here in Western Wright County
Minnesota. Heading back out mid week. This is the best we've done in 5 or
6 years. ~Dave
Saturday, May 31, 2008
It's finally warm enough and wet enough and beautiful morels are
popping up all over Stearns County in central Minnesota! The next week should
be bountiful hunting! I picked 5 quarts on May 31st...... ~Jeanie S.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Was in Scott County today just south of the Minneapolis Metro area.
Found 1 very small grey that was very dry and hard. Not sure if I am
late or if this little guy was just early. Anyone else having any luck
in the Minneapolis/St Paul Area? ~Lee
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Harvested about 200 grey, black and few yellow starting 5/16 through 5/20 near Chaska The forest floor is thick making the hunting very tough this year Good eating! ~Kevin K
Monday, May 19, 2008
My two hunting partners and I struck out for Goodhue county (south
of metropolitan Minneapolis/St. Paul) today and we found about a dozen grays
in the 1-3 inch range and 5 dozen sculenta that were also relatively small
at about 3-3 1/2 inches each all on south facing slopes. While the progress
of the growth of forest ground cover plants seems similar to previous high
(morel) seasons, other variables seem to indicate it is early yet and we are
a week to a week and half from peak. We also had a small strike of about a
dozen esculenta in Ramsey county. Total harvest: seven dozen over a three
hour period. ~Rob
Monday, May 12, 2008
Took this picture May 12 SE Minnesota. Too small to pick, left them
to grow a bit. Will shoot them again in a few days if no one else picks them
first. ~Craig
Friday, May 2, 2008
Found about 50 in S.E. Minnesota May 9th. Most were 2 to 3 inch grays,
a few yellows that were larger. ~Ron and Sharon
Friday, May 2, 2008
Found one 3 inch grey, also Blue Earth Co.. Left it to talk the others
out of hiding! I did however bring home a woodtick. ~Mike
Friday, April 25, 2008
I have been quite excited for another year. I live in Rochester MN and needed
to do some pre-shroom scouting. I happy to mention it's very close to game
time. I found one little button "Gray" on the south face with no
canopy cover, little grass. We have had lots of rain and a few warm days and
it's on.. I'll be sending pictures over the next month. ~Michael
Friday, April 18, 2008
We are thrilled to report that MS has finally got morels to report. Never had a lot of luck here before but never hunted as hard as we did this year either. Between April 5th and 18th we have found around 300 or so here in northeast MS near Baldwyn, MS. ~Susan
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I got 19 ,may 12,in southern waukesha county and walked 19 miles,also got a full load of poison ivy,very disapointed,need to find a new area. Oh,1 yellow was 7" x3" . they are most like done,it's aso darn dry right now. Was in Missouri,for my other hobby,told they picked morels for 4 weeks there. ~Jim.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
We found a 12 in morel today east of independence mo.have pictures
of it too. ~Ken
Saturday, May 10, 2008
These Mighty Morels were found on May 10, 2008 in Richmond "Mushroom
Capitol of the World" Missouri. Jayden is three years old and already
an expert morel hunter. ~Jerrett
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My ten year old boy, micheal davis jr. found these the ninth of may.
Been late season here. he is getting good at this. It would be great to see
his picture on your site, he would love it. Have a great one, p. s. i have
alot of stories to tell. ~Mickey
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Still going strong in East Central MO! What a great year for morels
and of course just being out in the woods is wonderful. ~Tom
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Found my first yellows (58) of the year yesterday under same tree
as first sightings posted on 4/1/2007 and on 4/19/2006 in North St.
Louis County, MO ~river city rager
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I've been finding blacks and half frees since mid April in Eastern
Missouri. The yellows & whites seem to be coming in now. Seems to be a
good year though. Quantities are up, but the size of the 'shrooms seem to
be on the small side when compared to years past. ~~~ or am I finding the
scraps that everyone is leaving? ~Max
Monday, April 28, 2008
Found 48 on 4-28-08. Not a whole lot, but some of the largest morels
I have ever found consistantly. My wife and I found 22 the day before about
a mile upriver in the same area all around mature pine/ash/elm trees. We like
to call these the Hazel Creek Hogs! Happy hunting from Washington County,
Missouri. ~Nate
Saturday, April 26, 2008
My buddy and I went out today (4/26) and found about 150 mushrooms.
They were mostly yellows but had some grays and spikes mixed in the batch.
Even found some nice sized yellows growing in water, huh! Pulled about 40
yesterday (4/25) from a different spot mostly spikes. Let the hunt continue.
WOOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! ~Lance and Dustin in Columbia, MO.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Finally! They are coming up in Mid-Missouri. Found these on 4/22.~Joe
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tom in creighton Mo. Got rained out of mowing today so i headed to
the timber.found 99 nice morels they are really popping now. I've been watching
my first find of the year , I found it on apr.17 it was 1/2 inch tall now
it is about 3 inches tall. hopefully no-one finds it before my study is complete
good luck and God bless ~Tom
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Found 32 black morels today 4-19 in Ralls county MO. took 2hrs to find
still need soil temps to come up some. ~Keith
Friday, April 18, 2008
I found 63 Half-Free Morels and 1 Black in St. Louis County today. i saw quite a few grays but they were tiny so i am giving them a little time to grow (hopefully no one beats me to them) all this rain should really turn everything on big time. Happy Hunting! ~Travis
Friday, April 18, 2008
They're out! Found these in Central Missouri. Let the hunt begin!
Happy hunting 2008. ~Sue
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hey Tom, this is Tom in Creighton Missouri on the henry count and cass county line. I found 9 micro yellows on Thursday the 17th and found some 3 inch greys today its done raining the sun is out and its supposed to get into the near 80s this week if it does we should have a record year. Looking forward to meeting you in Illinois next month.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Three of us went out in Central Mo. yesterday and found 115 grays. The wind
is drying them out pretty fast. Amazingly enough, we need more rain. Today
and tomorrow there's rain in the forecast, so hopefully they'll be popping
in the next few days. Happy hunting! ~Rhonda
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I agree with Mark P, it is going to be a late year in Missouri. We did
finally find 20 small grays on bottom land here in Central Missouri.
That was on Friday, April 11th, and we have been looking hard for the last
several weeks. It turned colder, even had sleet today, so probably set
them back again. Happy hunting from Mushroom Annie.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hi tom mark p here from Kansas city mo. Went out april 5 to scout my early spot always find some little grays april 1st nothing. Went out april 9th and yee ha! I found 11 little grays. No tree’s are even starting to bud yet. Season a week to 10 days behind but at last it is here good luck to all. ~Mark P.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
From Cape Girardeau County in Southeast MO: Found a handful of black morels April 1, then about 15 more April 6 - all on my special "early spot." Found about 16 more today April 8. Plenty of ground moisture, hopefully things pick up soon. ~
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
5 blacks today at the same tree as last year in st louis co. ~Willie
Monday, March 31, 2008
2 small grey morels found on March 31st in St. Louis County around dead Elm Tree. Hope to find more in the coming weeks. ~Jim
Friday, May 2, 2008
I'm in far northwestern Montana, and I found one, lonely little morel out behind my house. (forest) Probably about 2.5 inches tall. I looked around extensively, but no more. :( ~Robbi
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
This has to be the smallest one I ever seen. We found 5 ½ pounds 5/3
on the river in Eastern Nebraska. Mostly Blacks yet, Whites and yellows will
be up this week. ~Shrambo
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Found about a dozen grays in S.E Nebraska same place as a year ago on 4-1-07
not may locals reporting any yet seem like there late this year. ~SKI
Saturday, April 19, 2008
50 small greys by elm stump in Central Nebraska. We need some rain and sun.
They seem to like the reeds this year. Good Luck and Good Hunting ~Anthony
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Found around 40 tops just poppin up in central Nebraska. Little grays and blacks around dead elm stump. Left them there for one more day to grow bigger for Sunday. 40's over night and 70's today and tommorro, they are really likin that sunshine here. Good Luck and Good Huntin ~James
Monday, May 12, 2008
After growing up in the midwest and relocating to Jersey 20 years ago, I've
always thought there should be mushrooms (morels) out here. Found out for
sure this last weekend, on Mother's Day. Found about 60 in New Jersey. ~Darin
Friday, May 9, 2008
Found about 50 in all between May 4th and May 8th. Sussex and Warren County.
Can someone help me identify a tree where i found 11 morels by. Email me and
i will send the picture of the tree. Thanks so much. ~Shelly
Monday, April 21, 2008
Found 20+ grey morels near Princeton, NJ. ~Michael.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Look out for the big ones dont trip over them. ~southern jersey stevie
Monday, May 12, 2008
Found my first ever morels on 05/12/08. About 15 in total near Glenridge,
NY. ~David S.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Came home and found a note on counter......check the fridge. Oh my a bowl
full of yellow morels that my sis and bro found today! I cooked them up in
an alfredo sauce over thats about as good as life gets! I
will search tomorrow! R W Tucker Middleville, NY
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Found 1 black near the Hudson valley Tuesday 15 april ~Christopher
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Siyo again from Cherokee, NC me and my brother went out today and
found 75 more today! All Greys and Yellows! Found these in a Poplar Tree location
way up in the mountains! A lot of these were just poking thru the leaves and
hard to see! But once we see them it was over for the Da-wo-li (Mushrooms)
The picture shows 73 of them, two of them when we cleaning them were bad.
Maybe we can find more! ~Eddie
Saturday, April 19, 2008
This is Eddie P. from cherokee, nc again! found 8 more today
all under white pines. gonna try to get pictures for you. ~Eddie
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Siyo!! "Hello" from the Cherokee Indian Reservation in Cherokee, NC! Found these Yellows and Greys under a big white pine tree! 20 of them! ~Eddie
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Found another 120 or so blacks and a few greys on Sunday, Apr 6 - Browns Summit, NC - this time on wooded hillsides in areas with poplars. Apr 5 findings were in wooded lowlands near a stream.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Found more than 30 grey and yellow morels and one we believe is half free. Browns Summit, NC.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I found 6 large yellows tonight in Ashland county Ohio. ~Adam
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
This is my first year morel hunting. Found these in North Canton,
OH on May 14th while battling the briars and rain. Very excited. Had lived
in Terre Haute, IN a couple years ago while opening a new outdoor lifestyle
store and experienced the enthusiasm and delicacy. This was the first opportunity
I had to experience the hunt.~Ed B.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Last picture found on mothers day Germantown oh ~Clay
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Found over 100 in one spot Saturday, May 10, 2008. Dying elm in fence
row. A couple of grays were mixed with over 100 yellow Whites. Some were still
bent over. Seemed obvious they were the same variety but different ages, but
then maybe not. Found others scattered, a group on an sometimes river island,
under a Sycamore and small Elms and spice bush
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Just had to let u know that in allen co. ohio, on 5-4-08, i did find
50 - 48 half-frees & 2 yellow morels. on the hunt again. yeeehaaa!! ~Roberta
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Knox county Ohio May 3rd have only found a few her & there, but
searched a small woods & found these & a few more that I gave away,
was out in the pouring rain early AM, will be back again Sunday wooohoooo!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Found 15 grays in warren county ohio 4-29-08.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Whew, we were getting worried for a while, but today we struck gold!!!
we found over 200 morels today(04/28/08) in Tuscarawas county ohio! we found
around a dozen blacks, and an assortment of yellows, greys, and dog peckers!
The temperature here today was 59-65 fahrenheit and it was scattered rain
all day but we scored. My friend also found 176 yesterday about 5 miles from
our location today, mostly dog peckers. rockn n rolln in t- county, whoo ~Justin-T
Monday, April 28, 2008
Here's what I picked this year. I think I should have picked them
sooner, but they were small, and I was waiting for them to get bigger. They
started looking dried out though, so I picked them today. Should they still
be good to eat? Is there anything special I should do with them? ~Thanks,
Don Drennan
Respone from Tom @
Hi Don, the tops of six of them look frostbitten. They may be okay after you
rinse them. Just to be safe, I would cut away the dark shriveled tops. ~Tom
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ohio 4/26....Sandy's Scouts are salivating and searching. Found four
in Portage county - about an inch tall and left them to grow. Two days later
went to check and some poacher got 'em! Rats!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Found my first ones of the year in Coshocton Ohio 1 tiny gray and
10 decent blacks. YEE HAW ~Roger
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Found 4 small morels today 4-15-08 on a mid-slope under a large Tulip Tree.
Enclosed is a picture of a double that is only about an inch tall, I put a
mason jar over them to see how big they'll get. This weekend should be pretty
good. Thanks, Matt
Friday, April 4, 2008
Found this one on april 4th in south west ohio .3 or 4 days ill be eating
good. ~The mushroomman69
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Stumbled over a single 8-9 inch yellow morel in my backyard in northeast OK
on April 24, 2008. I have seen them before, but never knew what they were.
~Gene S.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008.
The season has been longer than usual around Tulsa this year. Found my first
ones April 1 and found over 50 on 4-20. These last ones were in excellent
condition on a north facing slope--suggesting we're near the end of the season.
~Dean m. Tulsa, Ok.
Sunday, April 13, 2008.
Finally got to go hunting yesterday, April 13th, and found about 94 near the
North Canadian River just North of El Reno in Canadian County. Didn't find
any in my normal hunting places. ~Amanda
Saturday, April 12, 2008.
Found 63 this morning Lone Chimney Lake area.Have found around 259 so far
they seem to be a little later this year.The really big ones and blond ones
just getting started good where I hunt. ~Skip
Friday, April 11, 2008
Found these in the backyard of our new home. Has been empty for two years prior to purchase.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Barbara, Thanks for the report. Mushroom hunters finding human remains in the woods is actually not a rare occurence. Read Tom's article from December of '98 at There is also a particular mushroom - the Hebeloma syriense is also called the corpse finder mushroom because it is often found growing near corpses! ~Tom
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Found 63 nice grays in eastern Oklahoma county Thursday 9 April.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
TECUMSEH, Okla. (AP) -- A group of people searching for mushrooms in a wooded area of Pottawatomie County instead found a human skull.
Pottawatomie County Sheriff Kurt Shirey says deputies later found more human remains after searching the property southeast of Tecumseh.
Shirey says the search will resume Tuesday while the remains found so far are being sent to the state medical examiners office.
The sheriff says authorities have no idea who the person was or even if it was a man or woman but it appears the remains are several years old. He says deputies are pulling old missing persons cases in an effort to identify the remains.
In other reports it was stated that the people were searching for morels. ~Barbara
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Found first morels on April 1 in Pottawatomie county near Canadian River. Rain has been light and sporadic around here. After 1/2 inch in the AM April 8, found 40. ~Barbara
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Found 61 nice yellows down around a creek bed near Kingston, OK. ~Jamie
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Found 75 in a creek bottom Sat 4-5-08 Near Sand Springs
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Found 93 Morels West of Shawnee Oklahoma on the banks of the Canadian River. WHO HOOO!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Found 22 small yellows after the rain in Asher, Oklahoma. Expect to find many more with the warmer temps this weekend.
~ Kristen & Kendall
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Found my 1st of the year this evening in River Parks, in mid-town Tulsa. Five, one mid-sized yellow the others pale and small. ~Dean
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Found another 30 small greys near Keystone, still no yellows. Rain yesterday should have them up by the weekend. ~JSH
Sunday, March 30, 2008
We found 34 small grey morels in Pawnee,Oklahoma. -RB-
Sunday, March 23, 2008
We found 22 small blacking/grey morels near Lake Keystone. With a little moisture, this next week should see the arrival of the bigger yellows. ~JSH
Sunday, April 6, 2008.
Yesterday, my daughter found one small morel in Oregon City, Oregon. I would have taken a picture but I only just found your website. We ate it yesterday.
I will be going out to find more tomorrow. I will try and get pictures. ~Amber
Thursday, April 3, 2008.
Looks like were having pizza again, I think our son Rory has radar eyes for these little mosels, he can find em when were standing in a patch and nobody else can find them, they definetly are the masters of disguise. heres some from today
Wednesday, April 2, 2008.
Rory got these in about a half hour lastnight,,,,they were so so good on a boboli pizza
Sunday, March 16, 2008
We found the first moresl this afternoon! We found about 30 small white morels- most around an inch high but three were a whopping 1.75 inches high. We live near Wimer (Rogue River). ~Kim
Friday, March 21, 2008
We found 198 landscape morels in planter bark today in Phoenix, Oregon walking home from the store. Most were 1-2 inches with a couple going over 3 inches. Phoenix is in the Rogue Valley near Medford! Can't wait to start finding the big wild yellows!!!!-Neil & Teri
Monday, May 12, 2008
Hey how you all doing, me and my friend bobby went out hunting on
an old burn spot he told me about sure enough there they were in about a 500
sq ft mountian land down below the took about 3 min to find 1 then
2 and 3.i found 80 grey andwhite and 1 dried up black.heck of a day every
10 or 20 ft id find some what a great felling its like no other feeling in
the world to find a patch like that.what a day huh! well my nephews are coming
back to the path valley to go shrooming with me taking them to
a couple of spots hope we have the same luck I had on may 4th 2008.I went
back out on may 5th found 12 more.Its been raining on and off today may 7th
if its warm and sunny tomorrow im going to scope out some new spots so I can
take them too! well ill be going to northen franklin co and southern junita
co.also we willcheck out some good old honey spots for the big white ones
if its not allpicked out you no what I mean. i wish more people from franklin
co would post more but i dont think they have computers you no, back woods
people dont no how to use them.well happy hunting all good luck.ill post more
after i get back seeya!!!!!!! ~Chris
Monday, May 12, 2008
We took our 5 children out for a morel hunt yesterday morning and
had a blast finding 76 in woods on Grandpa's farm near Kutztown, PA.~ Dave
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hi Tom, reporting my find in Mercer Co. Pennsylvania of 80 black
morels on Thursday May 1st, 2008. I had to miss the big hunt in Illinois this
year and was so glad to find some here!! I found one grey growing right along
side my paved driveway and that got me to go looking and then I found the
80 that day!! My searching has only begun. I don't think the flavor is as
good as the yellows. What do you think? I've never had the black ones before.
Be sure to check out the pix attached. Love the site. ~Lori K
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hey folks, found 6 blacks and 25 yellows today,May 3. Dreary weather
in southeast PA gottem poppin! Good Luck, wild goose chase. ~Jason
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Hi Tom, reporting my find in Mercer Co. Pennsylvania of 80 black morels on Thursday May 1st, 2008. I had to miss the big hunt in Illinois this year and was so glad to find some here!! I found one grey growing right along side my paved driveway and that got me to go looking and then I found the 80 that day!! My searching has only begun. I don't think the flavor is as good as the yellows. What do you think? I've never had the black ones before. Be sure to check out the pix attached. Love the site. ~Lori Kussin
Monday, April 28, 2008
Greetings from Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Found 110 beautiful morels
in the south mountains of Lebanon County yesterday!! Happy hunting to all!
Sunday, April 14, 2008
Finally found some small tasty black/tan morels in south eastern,Lancaster
County Pa.(18) We've been searching for over 2 weeks now, was so happy to
see that lil snake head peekin' out from the leaves!!!!! Pennsylvania,
morel season is here!!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! ~Todd
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Me and my son found these 4/10/08 in central Pennsylvania. ~Michael
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Down from MI for three month's. Found 20 yellows on 4/13 close to Fountain
Inn, S.C. Went again yesterday and found around 50 more. ~Marty from MI
Monday, May 19, 2008
Found 2-3 lbs of smaller morels this weekend and the weekend before about
7 3/4 pounds around the Vermillion-Yankton, SD area. I think the season is
almost finished here. But I do believe one more good rain could bring out
a few more! Have a great Day! ~Sheryl
Thursday, April 17, 2008
This is a Really god year! Found 25 blacks and 4/9, 50 grays and whites on 4/16 in Elizabethon and found another 80 blacks yesterday 4/17 in the mountains of Carter County. ~Wes
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Found 264 today northern middle Tennessee was a very good day. Looks like a good week ahead the low at night mid 50's and high in the 70's. ~Beverly
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hi, Henry in Macon county. Central Tennessee near KY border. Found 6 like the one pictured here today, 4_2_08 in the dependable bottom of a south facing valley near a productive dying elm. Rains the next couple days so it is looking good! ~Henry
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I found a 3 inch black Morel on March 20th. ~Fatigia
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Found in Texas, found at Ray Roberts State Park, Isle Du Bois side Quale run camp site. The find was made by Conner, 10 years old, way to go Conner! ~Robert F.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I found 10 small grey morels today, Easter Sunday just South of Decatur, TX. I usually find them around the 24th of March. These will taste great with some wild onions. ~Carl
Monday, March 24, 2008
I found these 51 nice, fresh yellow morels yesterday along a creek that runs into Lake Whitney. Going out again today, happy hunting! ~Nancy
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Pownal Vermont I finally found six grey morels in the overgrown apple orchard behind our house. I hope there will be more. ~Carla
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Northern Virginia has Morels early this year! Theyre small, but I found
20 Morels in the back woods (near Manassas) on April 14th; Im letting
most of them alone to see if theyll grow. ~Ron
Sunday, April 13, 2008
My son found these in our neighbors yard. He loves looking for “Shrooms”
. Still cold (and blowing snow) but Southwest Virginia has morels. ~Joe
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Saw a lone morel on my friend's farm in Singer's Glen, Virginia on Saturday, April 12th. ~Ilse
Friday, April 4, 2008
I live on the Virginia, Tennessee border. In the past 3 days I have found over 500 Morels (dry land fish in my neck of the woods) Found them as early as late march. ~James
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I found five or six black morels in Olympia Washington yesterday in a burn
pit! There is more there too!!!!! ~John
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Found about a dozen blacks south of Olympia, Washington while weeding in the
herb bed. We have never found morels on our farm until now. They were growing
out from under the straw we use as mulch. ~Tom G.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I found about a dozen in a parking strip when I was out walking in the Beacon
Hill neighborhood in Seattle today. ~Joy
Monday, April 21, 2008
Found literally hundreds of Gyromitra esculenta (Brain Mushroom), just west
of Shelton, WA, growing at low elevations on road-cuts under Douglas Fir,
and higher in 2-3 year old clear-cut. Can anyone tell me when these fruit
compared to morels, and whether their habitat is similar? ~Jaime
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Prospecting east of Portland, found ~150 true morels--grey black and yellow--in lowland cottonwood trees near the Columbia. Many others there picking, may well be mostly picked out by now. ~Jaime
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Found a handful of Morchella elata in N Mason Co.; still early; 40= acre 2007
burn looks very promising. ~Andrew
Thursday, April 3, 2008
About a dozen half-free morels, 2-3 inches in height along a creek bank near
McKenna in Pierce County. Does anyone have experience cooking and eating these?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
My boyfriend Mike and I live in Charleston West Virginia, we went out hunting
the other day and found 134 morels, many of which were between 3-6 inches
tall, in less than an hour. It was a great day, we found a great honey-hole
and can't wait to go again. ~April and Mike.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I live in southern wv.went yesterday with the wife and kids found
these.can't wait to go again. also my brother who lives in charleston wv found
a whopping 50 yesterday ~Randall
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Yahoo they are coming found 150 nice greys in wheeling west Virginia the shroomin
lib ~Lorene
Saturday, April 5, 2008
This is a lucky day for us in WV. Inspired by this very website, we ventured
out and found 24 lovely morels. Most were about 1 and a half inches tall,
but one was 3". We call them baby blacks, Happy hunting. ~Buddy and Pam.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Found over 30 mixed black, grey, and yellows in Northern Door County, Wi on
Thursday. And a dozen more, mostly black yesterday, May 25 in Door County,
Wi. ~Dawn H
Friday, May 23, 2008
A unbelievable weekend hunting in Wisconsin! This is my favorite picture
EVER!! ~Beth M
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I was in La Farge, WI and between 4 adults and 6 kids ranging in age from
2-11, we picked 25 pounds! Here are pics! ~Beth M
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Had my yellow eyes on and almost missed these. ~John-st croix falls wi
Sunday, May 18, 2008
This past Sunday we made a nice find, two baseball caps full, in far western Fond du Lac county.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Eastern Portage County They are still popping in old burn field areas,
apple orchards, and typical dead elm sites. We found 2 to 4 pounds of the
nice, big yellows each of three nights last week, and this past Sunday (5/18).
We have dried bags of them, frozen some in water, eaten ludicrous gluttonous
quantities and pickled four pints of small ones in tarragon vinegar (Bloody
Marie condiments). Found my last one by an oak stump while mowing my lawn
last night and based on its size
.they aint done yet! ~Brian
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Tom, South of Janesville Wisconsin found 30 today Greys and Yellows.
Growing near fence row and dead Elm Trees. ~Thank You Chris
Friday, May 16, 2008
I found three today 5/16/08 just north of st croix falls wi. about
30' from a dead elm. ~John
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Found 97 nice morels, weighing 3 lbs 11 oz total, south of Whitewater
on May 14. They were in great shape, maybe just a little dry, so they were
probably up for a few days. Heading out today for some more hunting! Thanks,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Saturday May 3, 2008 found 55 in Central WI to tree stump all small
Thursday May 8 found 10 near dead Elm Trees Central WI. Greys
Friday May 9, 2008 found 2 near Milton WI Half Frees
Tuesday May 13, 2008 found 20 Eastern Rock County WI by dead Elm Trees. Yellows
Wednesday May 14, 2008 found 23 Central Rock County WI by dead Elm & Apple
Trees. Greys and Yellows
Thank You ~Chris
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Finally!!!! I found one (and only one). Hoping to see more. St Croix
river valley just north of Taylors Fall/ St Croix Falls ~John
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Who's finding anything? there haven't been any entries since "Dutch",
who is hoping for tips..
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Hunted for less that one hour in SW Waupaca County on Wednesday night
(5/7) and found hundreds of little greys and yellows. They were simply everywhere
and looked as if they just popped. I left many more than I harvested and will
go back and see if they are significantly larger. Now is the time to get out
there at latitudes up to 45 north! ~Brian
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I found 88 grays in Walworth, Wisconsin (just north of the Illinois
border). ~Shawn
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Hi Tom, this is Dutch from Oshkosh. I have been out in the woods
and have not found any yet. My question is: When do they come up around this
area (Oshkosh, WI) and do they grow in the same areas here in Wisconsin as
they do in Illinois. I did the drive by hunting method yesterday and found
some land that looked prime for morels. So I asked the landowners and they
let me hunt. Please let me know. I have met a few hunters but they hunt down
around Muscoda so I want to be as efficient as I can with the limited time
frame for hunting. Please let me know any information you have, it would be
much appreciated. ~Dutch
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Nice Batch, Rock County WI. ~Hans
Monday, April 28, 2008
My name is Dutch Perzee I am from Magnolia and now live in Oshkosh,
WI. When I learned to hunt morels in Putnam and Marshall counties my teachers
told me to pinch the shroom and not pull it out so it will grow back in the
same spot the next year. If that is true, we need to let some of these folks
know that they are damaging their hunting grounds by pulling the whole shroom.
Let me know if this is true and spread the word. Thanks, ~DUTCH
Response from Tom
Greetings from the hometown. Pulling a morel out by the roots won't have any
effect on next year's crop. BUT, it could prevent them from growing in that
same area this year!! The entire organism contain three basic parts: (1) the
mycellium which is underground and supplies nutrients through the (2) hypha
to the fruit and spore factory which is (3) the morel mushroom that we all
love so much. Several morels may grow along the same hypha. The theory is
that if you pull the "roots" with the mushroom you are breaking
the hypha which carries nutrients to other mushrooms further away from the
mycellium. It is easily compared to breaking the branch of an apple tree when
you pick an apple. Other apples further out on the branch won't get needed
nourishment from the tree and roots and will stop growing. If you break the
hypha underground of the morel producing organism, morels that may grow further
out on the "branch" won't get nourishment and will stop growing,
or never get started. The hypha underground will freeze over winter and new
hypha will grow to produce new morels next year. In comparison to that same
apple tree, the "branch" will die over winter and a new "branch"
will form to produce morels next year. So, pulling roots won't have any effect
on what happens next year, but certainly won't help this year's crop.
One reason some hunters dig up the roots is to destroy any evidence that there were once mushrooms there. And, that if you leave just the stumps for another hunter to find, he or she will beat you to the spot next year. I wonder if they really think that an experienced hunter won't notice the disturbed ground in an area where there should be mushrooms. If someone is that worried about it, the best way I know of to disguise the area is to cut or pinch the mushroom and then cover the stump with leaves or grass.
Another reason to cut or pinch the mushroom above ground is too keep you
bounty clean. Imagine going out to your garden to harvest fresh cabbage. When
you get there don't just take the cabbage head, take the roots too, and all
the dirt around them. Next, throw the cabbage (roots and dirt too) into a
big bag. Then repeat the previous steps so that you end up with a big bag
of cabbage, roots, and dirt. But that's okay because you'll separate the good
from the bad back in the kitchen. I think you will have a hard time getting
the cabbage clean. Morel mushrooms would be even harder. I often wonder if
the "root pullers" have flat teeth from grinding all that grit.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Started finding small ones on the 21st: Good luck everyone. ~Jim
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Found 25 black morels of various sizes, and about 10 small yellows
at low altitude near Sheridan, Wyoming, Sunday evening (5/12/08). A bit slower
here this year due to cool temps. ~Joshua
Friday, May 16, 2008
Found this morel this morning in woodland near Doncaster. How big do these
things grow? ~Ken T
Response from
I've seen one that was 14" tall.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Haliburton Ontario, Loon Lake area, May 17/18. First time out this
year, will probably miss the peak of the crop as it just rained.~Tom
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I live in Canada, and by reading your site, morels come out much
earlier than here. I am heading out tomorrow am, and hopefully I will be finding
some tasty mushrooms! ~boo boo bears
Friday, May 2, 2008
Found a handful around the 2nd week of April, here in Southwestern
Ontario. Its raining today, the weekend will be good picking. ~Marylou
Friday, May 2, 2008
Hi Tom, yesterday May 1st spotted the first grey Esculenta, one 1" tall and 3 more smaller. Find is in the outskirt of Toronto. This is the picture. Good hunting to all. ~U. and L
Monday, April 21, 2008
Hello Tom and all good mushroomers the black morels (Morchella Elata
sp) have arrived in Ontario, foud 40 they are 2 to 4 inches. Judjing from
the size they have been around for a few days, so pretty early season. The
area is in the suburbs of Toronto. Good luck to all from the morelling due.