As of April 3, 2022, the United States Postal Service is adding a $18 surcharge to packages that exceed 30 inches in any dimension. That does not include the regular postage. Our standard shipping carton is 61 inches in length. The price of our sticks include the $18 surcharge. If you wish to order more than one, call Tom at 815-866-0319 or email tom@morelmania.com to place the order. The $18 surcharge will be deducted from additional sticks.

Morel Hiking Stick


The morels on our Morel Hiking Sticks are carved in wood and affixed with a dowel pin to a sturdy hiking stick. They are then given a coat of satin finish exterior polyurethane. Being approximately 57" in length, they are perfect for anyone 6' 2" or less. You may trim from the bottom if you would rather have it shorter. The mushroom is straight and medium in color. You have a choice of either Hickory or Sweet Gum for the hiking stick itself. Hickory is a very strong and heavy wood while Sweet Gum is lighter weight, but still very sturdy. Since we carve the morels freehand, each is an original work of art.



Creating your Custom Shroom Stick™

Wood types Available:

Click for preview

We suggest either the Light Hickory or Dark Hickory for any user over 6 feet tall.


Stem Shapes:




Morel Colors:





Personalized Name Plate


We've added a compass to our most popular product. Grandpa, the master morel hunter, taught us, "Mushroom hunters need a sturdy walking stick to turn over leaves, look under brush, and sweep away the early spring spider webs."We took grandpa's sage advice one step further and crafted our own Shroom Stick, a divining rod of sorts, with one of our hand-crafted Morel DecoysTM firmly attached on top.

Shroom Stick™


Customize Your Shroom Stick™. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You may choose the mushroom shape, mushroom color, and type of wood that are most beautiful to you. Of course Mother Nature makes each stick unique and we carve the mushrooms freehand. So, no two Shroom Sticks™ will be identical or exactly as shown. The choices available are for general appearance only. Be sure to tell us how tall the user is so that we send the correct size of Shroom Stick™.

Let us know if you prefer a particular style, shape, or color. You'll find us very accomodating. The mushrooms are carved from pine and then dowel pinned with exterior wood glue to the wood of your choice. The entire stick is then given two coats of satin finish exterior polyurethane.

All genuine Shroom Sticks™ from Morel Mania, Inc. have a compass and a nameplate that identify them.

You may personalize the nameplate for the user with their name or nickname for an additional $6.00. Please try to limit the personalization to 20 characters and spaces. We can do more, but the type will be smaller and possibly in two lines.

The second line of the nameplate reads, "Shroom Stick™". Please indicate if you want the 'S after the name. For example:

Hiking Sticks & Walking Canes

Our rustic hiking sticks are made from an assortment of sturdy woods: Hickory, Sassafras, Dogwood, and Persimmon to name a few.

Hiking Stick

with wrist strap and compass


Choose your type of wood and tell us how tall the user is. The sticks are crafted by Mother Nature, so none will be exactly as shown. Your choice is for general appearance only.



Compass embedded in the top of the the stick.

Hiking Stick

Plain, No Compass or Wriststrap


The term "Plain" is a severe understatement for these beautiful hiking sticks crafted by Mother Nature and Father Time. We've only sanded them to bring out the beauty and given them two coats of exterior polyurethane. Each is unique and will not be exactly as shown. Your choice is for general appearance only.
